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  • Dear Diary – September 15th, 2010

    Initial voiam sa scriu asta dupa ce scriam despre cum a fost la munte, dar va dura ceva pana voi lua pozele si de la ceilalti si in plus… postez acum pentru ca asa m-ai rugat TU. :) Dear Diary September 15th, 2010 Dear diary, Something happened today. I’m not sure what, but I feel pretty strange about it. The day started out great. I got up, washed, ate, and…

  • Dear Diary – September 14th, 2010

    Ma gandii sa mai postez ceva inainte sa plec. :) Dear Diary September 14th, 2010 Dear diary, Hey! Long time no… see! It’s been almost a year. Man, it seems like a lifetime ago. I bet you’re wondering what happened, huh? Well, the thing is, the first days of high school really bummed me out. But I guess you pretty much know that. I was expecting to have a really…

  • Dear Diary – September 25th, 2009

    Dear Diary September 25th, 2009 Dear diary, I know I haven’t written anything this past few days and the reason is… well… there really isn’t much to tell and lately I’ve been in a crappy mood. School’s pretty much the same and I don’t really like talking about it, so I won’t bore you with the details. I think this diary was a dumb idea. I don’t wanna do it…

  • Dear Diary – September 17th, 2009

    Dear Diary September 17th, 2009 Dear diary, Today pretty much sucked. I said in my last entry that I haven’t talked to any of my colleagues, except one, the weird kid. Well guess what? Even the weird kid ignored me today. And he’s my desk mate, for Christ’s sake. But wait, there’s more! As if that wasn’t enough he actually moved out today. Yeah, after the first four hours he…

  • Dear Diary – September 16th, 2009

    Dear Diary September 16th, 2009 Dear diary, I still think it’s dumb how every entry in a diary starts with “dear diary”. School is really weird. It’s because I don’t know anyone. It feels like I don’t belong there. Pretty much every one of my colleagues seems to be comfortable with everything. I spend most of my time in my desk, while others are socializing and whatnot. I know I…

  • Dear Diary – September 15th, 2009

    Am inceput din nou sa scriu. Stiu, stiu, inca n-am terminat ‘Level 2’, dar il voi termina. De data asta scriu despre liceeni si viata la liceu. Totul va fi sub forma unui jurnal, jurnalul personajului principal, care doar ce a inceput clasa a 9-a. Dear Diary September 15th, 2009 Dear diary, I just want to start by saying how dumb it feels to actually write “dear diary” in my…