Dumnezeu cu mila

Ce e amuzant, trist, si infricosator in acelasi timp? Un credincios convins.

Did you know that all bulls are males? How can these bulls mate to have more bulls? It’s your funeral evolutionists. Admit evolution is a pathetic fantasy created by scientists because they can’t accept God.

Some things can not be explained by science. Take for example, rainbows. Rainbows are a mystery and you can not touch them, just like god. Despite this fact, they are still there even though there is no scientific explanation for them. So next time you find yourself doubting your faith, think of god as a rainbow. I know that this can be a difficult concept for some of you to grasp.

It is just like air you can’t see it but you know its there.

[in response to: You all are intolerant asses. I wish you could all see that people are truly just people. So what if they love people of the same gender? You all sicken me.]

To Mary Boyd: intolerant? Looks like you’re intolerant of homophobes. I’m going to call you Bitch okay? Bitch, there are many reasons as to why homosexuality is fucked up. Number 1, it’s by choice. If it was genetic, hey, not their fault their genes are fucked up, but when a person willingly chooses to become gay that’s when I get angry. Not only am I angry that Gay’s even exist, i’m pissed that you consider Gays as people. These ‘people’ want special rights for them and THEM only. Since when has being a fag entitled you to having extra rights?

You know what they did back in the biblical times? They killed gays. That’s right, stoned their asses to death. You know why? Because God hates gays. By not hating gays, you’re disobeying him, and you don’t want to go to hell do you?

[In response to: I don’t get it. Why do many many on this board diss Earth Day? I helped volunteers plant nearly six thousand oak trees last Saturday at the Forest Preserve by my house.]

But does planting trees help bring people to Christ? It’s like going to third-world countries to feed the hungry. It doesn’t do a starving man any good to keep him alive for another day if he’s doomed to hell anyway. It doesn’t do anyone any good to plant trees for people if they haven’t heard about Jesus. The future of this earth is destruction….You don’t “Bring people to Christ” with inanimate objects. He is knowable, but unless that tree becomes paper, and eventually a Bible, it will have no value in expressing how to know The Creator who made the tree.

Gravity is a theory, not a proven fact.

The effects of gravity can be explained by other theories. An example would be the acceleration theory which asserts the earth is actually moving ‘upward’ at a constant rate of 1g (9.8m/sec^2). This produces the same effect as “gravity”. See there are different theories for the same phenomena – and none are facts, they are just theories.

Mathematics is also great proof of God. How is it possible that:


can be figured out by carrying a digit over the top? What if that didn’t work? How would we multiply without calculators? If carrying over the one on top of the 9 did not work, how would we multiply? Seems awfully convenient to me that it “just happened” like that?

[Question about the logic in light being created on the first day, but the sun being created on the fourth.]

The sun isn’t the only source of light you know? Think of a cloudly day, there’s light coming from somewhere.

[Pro-abstinence blog]

When you play with fire, there is a 50/50 chance something will go wrong, and nine times out of ten it does.

DNA can never be proven. Evolutionists are obsessed with it because they always say ”chimps share 97% DNA with modern man” etc. That’s great, however you would then need to prove DNA is real.

Mai multe pe FSTDT. E nebunie ce e acolo.

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