
Cincizeci de nuanțe de maro

The steamy “Fifty Shades of Grey” dominated the international box office this weekend, debuting at No. 1 in 55 foreign markets with $158 million, the best opening ever for an R-rated movie.


“Fifty Shades” played in 9,637 theaters in 58 territories. It delivered the best opening ever in 11 of them and the studio’s best first weekends in 30 markets. For perspective, 60 percent of the people who went to the movies around the world this weekend saw “Fifty Shades,” Universal said.

The U.K. was the top overseas market, with a $21.1 million debut that was the best ever for a movie in February and the studio. “Fifty Shades” brought in $15.2 million from Germany and France delivered $12 million. Its $10.5 million debut in Russia was the biggest ever for a non-franchise movie there. – ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Hits $240 Million Globally and Shatters Overseas Record

Un film care nici pe IMDb, nici pe Rotten Tomatoes, nici pe Metacritic nu depășește nota 5; un film adaptat după o carte considerată cel mult mediocră; un film care garantat va avea și o continuare.

Dovadă că păsăricile de 16 ani și mamele divorțate sunt un demografic ideal și extrem de ușor de gâdilat.

Dar deja știm asta.


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2 comentarii

  • Alessia

    21/02/2015 la 11:58

    Ahahaha, am fost la film zilele trecute si prietena cu care eram zicea ca vrea sa scrie o recenzie cu exact titlul articolului tau.

    E registered trademark sau ceva? :))

    (nu pot sa cred cati bani a facut si ca eu sunt printre cei care au cotizat… dar trebuia sa ma autoconving ca e o prostie. e de inteles, nu?)


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